I’m normally awesome, but not always.

A few weeks ago, Nila, Bob and I were driving in the car running errands. We had been in the car for roughly 18.6 hours; at least 10 of which Nila was playing on Bob’s phone. Sometimes, that’s just how it is. I decided to play a round of “10 Questions” with Nila, which is this very creative and engaging game I made up where I go to Pinterest and find one of those “Questions to ask your kid” pins, then fire them off, one right after the other.

One of the questions she was asked was, “What do I (mom or dad) do that makes you proud?”

I honestly had no idea what she would say for me. But what she DID say sort of surprised me.

She said, “How much you work.”

Now, I have no idea what she really meant there. I don’t know if she meant that she’s proud that I work A LOT? Or that I DON’T work a lot, so have more free time to spend with her, and she’s proud of that. There have certainly been seasons of both.

Either way, I was surprised by it.

And, it made me feel… sort of awesome? Because all of us parents, we’re just trying to do the best we can, figuring things out as we go. I’ve screwed up a lot of things related to work over the past two years, but every step along the way, I was doing what I thought was best for our family. And, apparently, to Nila, that has worked out just fine.

It also made me think, “I know a lot of people who are pretty awesome, normally anyway. Maybe not all of the time, but they’re normally awesome, and they deserve some credit for making normally awesome work.”

To that end, and along with my idea of being more creative, I’m starting a show this summer, “Normally Awesome,” interviewing other normally awesome people. Season One (the 12 weeks of this summer) is going to be focused on parents, but I can see changing it up in the fall. I know a lot of normally awesome people, and not all of them are parents!

It will be hosted on Facebook LIVE at http://facebook.com/mynameisangiedotcom. This is my PAGE, not my personal account (http://mnia.wpengine.com/angiemeeker), so you’ll want to visit the page and LIKE it, then make sure you have notifications turned on so you know when we go live. This also means you’ll be able to ask questions of our guests during the show, and we’ll make sure to take breaks to answer them, too.

The show will be on Friday nights at 9PM EST, after the kids are in bed. We’ll also post the replays here, and on YouTube in case you were out being awesome and missed the live show.

I hope you’ll come join me this Friday for our first show!





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